Sometimes, even if we do our best to resolve complaints, the result is unsuccessful. Flip through the cards to see what happened next at the Regalis Hotel.
The guest seems really upset. She says that she has been waiting for the maintenance for 20 minutes, and she has already missed the start of her business call.
Sophea immediately calls the door boy, but she can’t reach him. She is starting to get nervous.
Menghuot, the maintenance team, answers the phone immediately. He is heading to the guest’s room now. He doesn't know where the door boy is.
Meanwhile, the impatient guest is calling again. This time, she demands to speak to the manager.
Sophea tells the guest that the delay isn’t her fault. She starts explaining that she told the door boy to come long time ago, but she can’t locate him. The guest gets annoyed and hangs up.
Meanwhile, Menghuot doesn’t understand why he just got yelled at by the guest. He just came to check the wifi...
Somewhere at the hotel’s restaurant, the door boy Sopanha just remembered that he was on his way to help the guest. She says goodbye to his friend, waitress Marina...
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